Current Health Expenditure in millions of Euro (year, provider, function, financing agent)
Diese Tabelle bezieht sich auf:
Financing Agent: All financing schemes
Provider: All HP All providers
1992 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
All HC All functions 153’084 208’551 235’960 284’544 290’325 297’962 309’206 322’667 338’444 352’114 369’980 385’865 406’251 431’805
        HC.1+HC.2 Curative care and rehabilitative care 86’849 110’817 121’867 146’151 150’588 154’061 159’588 165’660 171’574 177’927 182’788 189’309 201’028 213’960
          HC.1.1+HC.2.1 Inpatient curative and rehabilitative care 46’084 60’528 65’537 77’889 80’315 82’352 85’135 88’615 91’745 95’154 97’437 100’517 104’745 115’132
          HC.1.2+HC.2.2 Day curative and rehabilitative care 206 1’105 1’798 2’765 2’797 2’822 3’117 3’234 3’402 3’525 3’540 3’662 6’395 6’494
          HC.1.3+HC.2.3 Outpatient curative care 39’684 47’789 52’931 63’620 65’533 66’938 69’373 71’868 74’393 77’145 79’662 82’982 87’696 90’072
          HC.1.4+HC.2.4 Home-based curative and rehabilitative care 874 1’395 1’600 1’876 1’944 1’951 1’962 1’942 2’034 2’104 2’149 2’149 2’192 2’262
          HC.1 Curative care 81’128 103’272 114’380 137’635 141’808 144’966 150’516 156’248 161’812 167’943 172’433 178’540 189’664 202’976
          HC.2 Rehabilitative care 5’720 7’545 7’488 8’516 8’781 9’096 9’072 9’411 9’762 9’984 10’354 10’770 11’364 10’984
        HC.3 Long-term care (health) 15’130 29’954 35’216 43’202 44’895 47’078 49’708 52’260 55’557 58’733 68’311 72’926 78’055 84’734
        HC.4 Ancillary services (non specified by function) 6’260 9’368 10’779 13’411 13’823 14’123 14’517 14’990 16’680 17’405 18’175 19’067 19’976 21’497
          HC.4.1 Laboratory services 2’320 2’924 3’393 4’561 4’883 4’845 5’058 5’170 5’954 6’156 6’378 6’671 6’798 7’514
          HC.4.2 Imaging services 2’218 3’383 3’875 4’437 4’278 4’395 4’225 4’386 4’779 5’012 5’182 5’282 5’454 5’591
          HC.4.3 Patient transportation 1’722 3’061 3’511 4’412 4’662 4’882 5’235 5’434 5’948 6’237 6’614 7’113 7’725 8’392
FILTERED PROVIDERS OF PATIENT TRANSPORT AND EMERGENCY RESCUE 3’214 3’416 3’576 3’869 4’017 4’339 4’548 4’891 5’340 5’855 6’539
        HC.5 Medical goods (non specified by function) 31’499 40’477 47’313 57’217 56’532 57’824 59’950 63’790 67’408 69’783 71’577 74’026 75’834 78’670
        HC.6 Preventive care 5’406 6’459 7’559 9’320 9’159 9’525 9’927 10’502 10’957 11’427 11’914 12’509 13’491 13’879
        HC.7 Governance and health system and financing administration 7’940 11’476 13’225 15’244 15’328 15’350 15’516 15’465 16’268 16’839 17’216 18’027 17’866 19’066
Die Tabelle wurde am 18.02.2023 09:32 Uhr unter erstellt.
GAR, Statistisches Bundesamt, Zweigstelle Bonn